Pastor’s Notes 3/22/2024

As our Lenten series shifts into Holy Week, sometimes Peter will play a major role and at other times he isn’t mentioned at all, leaving us to fill in the gaps with our imaginations. The Palm Sunday story in John 12:12-16 leaves us imagining where Peter might be and how he is participating.

On the day when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time, we are often charged to consider where we would be in the crowd. Are we singing praise? Are we joining in, or standing back? This year, we are invited to imagine where Peter is in the parade. To do that, perhaps we must remember all the events that have led up to this point.

Our series began with an abundant catch, and a charge to drop everything and follow. Peter has walked on water and clung to Jesus for rescue. He has pronounced his faith confidently and been called Satan and told to get out of Jesus’ way. He has asked questions and learned about the expansiveness of grace.

And now, the end is near. Peter stands among the crowds as they sing songs of loudest praise. The odds are good that Peter is experiencing the full spectrum of emotions and feelings. This roller coaster ride of Spirit won’t get any easier for him in the days ahead.

Following Jesus requires strength, courage, patience, and trust. Peter’s Holy Week journey runs the gambit of human experience. And yet, Jesus builds his church upon the faith of disciples. May we, as followers of Christ, live and love to the best of our ability.

Just a reminder that we will worship at Desert Garden UCC on Maundy Thursday at 5 pm and then on Good Friday we will be in our sanctuary at 4 pm