Pastor’s Notes 10/13/2023

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
–Matthew 11:28-30

Outside of Trish bringing home the unwanted souvenir of Covid from our vacation, we had an amazing trip to Alaska. It was a perfect time of rest, renewal, and experiencing the wonder of God in creation. We observed the northern lights in all their glory, got up close with reindeer, and saw both black and grizzly bears in the wild for the first time.

Our guide for our bear watching excursion encouraged us to buddy up. “On three, pick someone you think you are faster than.” The old joke being, you only need to be faster than one person when being chased by a bear! I had several offers to be hiking partners (good to feel loved).

“Take my yoke upon you,” Jesus said. “Buddy up with me.” He promised to be with us in and through anything. Connecting with Jesus will give us the tools necessary to live and love in the world. Two oxen can pull more than one, thereby making the plow easier to move. But also, when they are yoked together, they will pull together. The yoke keeps them in sync with each other so that one does not fall behind the other.

On Sunday we will explore further, the ways in which being yoked to Christ can lighten our load and help us to find rest for our souls. 
