Sermon 5/28/2023 Pentecost

This Sunday we celebrated the day of Pentecost. It signifies 50 days following Easter and it is also the occasion at which the gift of the Holy Spirit came upon the followers of Jesus.

For some churches, the significance of Pentecost as a holiday may be the least of all sacred holidays. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), however, embraces the understanding that because of the gift of the Spirit, the presence of Christ lives on through us.

There is still work to be done, and it is our role to carry it out. With that in mind, Pentecost is a big deal. Often it gets referred to as the birthday of the church. It was the day when the followers of Jesus could see and understand the needs of their foreign neighbor. They could now speak with them in a language of love that not only heard but understood.

Our text is Acts 2:1-21 as we welcome the Holy Spirit into our post-Easter journey!